
Help build a better Sri Lanka by growing a community of gamers, providing them space and tools to leverage video games to their advantage and foster personal growth.


To achieve in Esports what Sri Lanka Cricket accomplished in the ’96 World Cup, propelling the growth of an entire Esports industry in Sri Lanka and nurturing a vibrant community of local gamers

our Story

Welcome to the alliance

Here, you will discover the origins, milestones, and triumphs that have shaped Noob Alliance into what it is today.

A vibrant community of gamers across the nation, getting wins both in and out of the game.

Founded in 2007

A group of passionate gamers with a shared vision came together to create something special.

Fuelled by a deep love for video games and all the tremendous benefits it offers if used correctly.

Our Community

After a rich 15 years of Sri Lankan Esports, we’ve grown into a large community, and we have quite the story to tell.

From nurturing video gamers that broke down barriers and attempted to conquer the South Asian scene.

To gamers that put down their keyboards during the daytime to successfully conquer the ‘real’ world.





professional players


titles won



our timeline

From our humble beginnings as a small team in Sri Lanka to our current status as a thriving gaming community.

Witness the growth, the challenges overcome, and the triumphs celebrated along the way.

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It all began in 2007.

There was a dream, a goal, a vision. Provide up-and-coming gamers a platform to hone their talents and showcase their skills on a national and even global level. But this was not an overnight achievement. The start was slow and tedious. But the dream was a strong one and the passion of the team behind Noob Alliance was ignited with the possibilities of the future.

2008 – 2011

stepping stones for Noob Alliance

The years from 2008 to 2011 were stepping stones for Noob Alliance (nA). Esports in Sri Lanka was relatively new and numerous platforms gave gamers a chance to gather online and ask questions, share their gaming experiences, and see the next big thing in gaming, be it on PC or console. GLK was responsible for organizing Sri Lanka’s first Esports Tournament, the Sri Lanka Cyber Games (later referred to simply as SLCG). nA saw this as the perfect opportunity for them to get into competitive Esports titles. They took part in several SLCGs and other tournaments. They gave it their all and came close, but weren’t able to win any titles. They did however, take away valuable key lessons and also identified potential new talent and encouraged them to join the ranks of Noob Alliance.


important chapter in the history of Esports

2012 marked an important chapter in the history of Esports; the Sri Lankan Esports Association (SLESA) was formed. The governing body for Esports in Sri Lanka, SLESA would be responsible for setting out rules, regulations, upholding competition integrity, disciplinary action and promoting Esports within Sri Lanka. Further, SLESA would also be responsible for taking Sri Lankan Esports talent to official international tournaments. Noob Alliance was one of the four founding members of SLESA, signaling the onset of great things to come for both the organization, as well as the Esports landscape in Sri Lanka.


first victory for Noob Alliance

2015 marked the first victory for Noob Alliance in Call of Duty 4 at Kings of LAN. They were able to outmaneuver the opposing team, emerging victorious. But that wasn’t all. Noob Alliance also organized and held their own large scale tournament “Get nAiled” at Majestic City, the then social hub for young Sri Lankans in the heart of Colombo, proving that they can not only take part in tournaments, but successfully organize them as well.


Noob Alliance won the elusive Call of Duty 4 title

Things only began to get better in 2017. Noob Alliance won the elusive Call of Duty 4 (CoD4) title at SLCG and were also ranked second place at SLCG in terms of overall performance in Esports titles. But they didn’t stop there. They also secured wins in Tekken and Overwatch as well. Furthermore, Noob Alliance also took part and claimed the CoD4 title in the SLT Esports Championship, which was the first tournament that paved the way for massive prize pools in the Sri Lankan Esports landscape.


awarded the best Esports organization award

2018 saw more victories for Noob Alliance. One of the organization’s most proficient FIFA players got the opportunity to fly to Singapore and take part in a FIFA tournament held in Marina Mall, Singapore. The organization also received the opportunity to represent Sri Lanka at the qualifiers of the Asian Games held in Hong Kong, showcasing their skills in Clash Royale. Further along the year, Noob Alliance also won the title for CoD4 at the South Asian Tournament defeating teams from countries such as India and Pakistan. The 2018 SLCG also saw the organization winning the title of CoD4 and Overwatch, with the icing on the cake being awarded the best Esports organization award as well.


declared an official sport by the Government of Sri Lanka

2019 was another historic landmark for Esports in Sri Lanka. Why? Because Esports was declared an official sport by the Government of Sri Lanka, pushed by SLESA. This basically meant that Esports athletes would be on par with athletes who take part in regular sports such as Cricket, Rugby, etc, thus making the goal of making a living through Esports that much closer.


the best PUBG Mobile organization in the country.

With the rise in popularity of mobile gaming, especially in titles such as PUBG Mobile in 2020, Noob Alliance saw another potential opportunity to harness new talent. Their PUBG Mobile team emerged victorious at the Esports Premier League, which was the biggest tournament held in Sri Lanka at that time, boasting a prize pool of One Million LKR, making us the first Sri Lankan team to win a prize pool of that size, solidifying our status as the best PUBG Mobile organization in the country.


set eyes on the international stages.

After achieving stellar local performance over the years, Noob Alliance began to set its eyes on the international stages. They focused their teams on PUBG Mobile’s official tournament series – a series that starts out with the PUBG Mobile Club Open (PMCO). The best teams in that tournament would move on to the PUBG Mobile Pro League (PMPL) and then the PUBG Mobile Global Championship (PMGC), boasting a prize pool of 6 Million USD. In 2020 a player from Noob Alliance made their way to the Semi Finals of the PMCO, which boasted a prize pool of 30,000 USD at the time. But Shoot em up games weren’t the organization’s only forte. Team Vanguard took part in the South Asia Tournament, emerging as Runners Up for League of Legends (LoL).


taking home 2 Million LKR from a prizepool

2021 was where things got really exciting. A highly recognized PUBG Mobile player was provided with the opportunity to fly to Nepal to take part in the second stage of the PUBG Mobile Global Series – PUBG Mobile Pro League against teams from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Mongolia, as part of a Nepali team, with a prize pool worth 150,000 USD. Proving their dedication to the organization members, Noob Alliance bought an iPhone 13 Pro Max and gave it to an up and coming PUBG Mobile player from Team ISSL. It paid off because the team took part in the Axiata PUBG Mobile Tournament, coming in second place, taking home 2 Million LKR from a prizepool of 11 million LKR.


Noob Alliance came in strong

For the year 2022, Noob Alliance came in strong, buying two more iPhone 13 Pro Max’s for two strong pillars in the PUBG Mobile community, hailing from Team ISSL, to improve their competitive edge and also to reinforce their potential. The players were commemorated with a celebratory dinner and given the phones acknowledging their hard work and dedication . The organization was also invited to take part in the PMPL Qualifiers with 150,000 USD up for grabs. While the team did their utmost, they weren’t able to qualify, but also took the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and come back better and stronger. Recently, they took part in the first stage of the PUBG Mobile Global Series – PMCO, this time with a prize pool of 50,000 USD and came in 4th place, with a 3 point gap between them and the third place team, due to the power cuts taking place in Sri Lanka due to the fuel crisis.

2023 – Present

garnering around one million views per month.

Currently, Noob Alliance is laying down the groundwork for a number of new and exciting projects with regard to raising awareness about Esports in the country. The organization is now a fully registered company employing an enthusiastic workforce comprised of a media team, graphic designers and video editors. The organization also has a leading and growing social media presence in Sri Lanka with content being posted on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok garnering around one million views per month.